It’s difficult for children with food allergies to conceptualize why they cannot have what the others are having – be it treats at parties, soccer games, school activities or Halloween!! Food entwines with our social lives.
While keeping their environment safe it has to be inclusive.
To limit the chances of an allergic reaction, eliminating risk factors is the key. It’s difficult, but not impossible. Others may not know what they need to do to keep your child safe or how serious an allergic reaction can be. By reaching out to them you will find that others are often willing to support your child.
Plan ahead by informing your host and letting your child know what to expect.
Call the host several days before the party/play date.
Ask what food will be served and whether an adult will be supervising meal and snack time.
Offer to send along a safe meal and treat for your child.
If the host is responsible for preparing food for your child, take the time to teach them how to cook safely so you can be confident that the food is free of your child’s allergens.
For the first few play dates/parties stay at the party with your child. Most people are very understanding and will appreciate it.